Waag Talks at DDW: Start making sense

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How can we move beyond closed technologies to empower citizens as active agents for environmental sensing? Waag Futurelab invites citizens to take the stage and engage in a dialogue with the government and open hardware makers. We will look into the possibilities of citizen-driven environmental measurement, citizen ownership of open data, and hardware design, like Waag did with SODAQ. This company allows you to measure air quality to address environmental issues in collaboration with your municipality.

Who should make the rules of participation and who benefits? Together, we will start to develop civic-public-private partnerships, addressing critical issues such as valorisation of open data, hardware and trust, as well as design, development and social diffusion of innovative solutions. During the panel talk, speakers from diverse concern and interest groups are invited to share their point of view on the topic. We will conclude with an inspiring tour of the Dutch Design Week exhibitions.


13:30 - 14:00 hrs - Welcome & drinks
14.00 - 15.45 hrs - Panel & Talks: Start making sense

  • Citizen Stage (community members of environmental citizen initiatives)
  • Panel Moderated by Lucas Evers (Waag)

Speakers: Ivonne Jansen Dings (Strategic Advisor Technology, Society and Ethics, South Holland Province), Ollie Smeenk (CEO-Chairman SODAQ), Crail Liu (Director of Sales Seeed Studio), Jean-Paul Close (Co- founder AiREAS), EC Joint Research Centers (TBC)

16:00-18:00 hrs - DDW Tour Walk & Talk and visit to the Waag exhibition (klokgebouw)


Access to the talk is free. We offer limited number of tickets for entry to DDW for the audience. For inquiries, please contact: natalia@waag.org

About Waag Futurelab

Waag Futurelab is a platform for designers and artists to research current societal issues. Waag brings together all relevant parties through expositions, presentations, experiments, debates and reflection. In the four-year Expeditions to planet B programme, Waag Futurelab is finding the answer to the following design questions: what if a planet B would exist? How would we re-design our world and our lives? And what does that teach us about the here and now?


